What is your team that moves this? – Mikael Krogerus

Vandaag het gesprek met Mikael Krogerus.

Mikael is a Finish citizen, raised in Sweden and Germany. He holds a degree from the alternative business school The Kaospilots and has worked as a copywriter for various ad agencies and as a reporter for magazines. 

Together with Roman Tschäppeler, he co-authored five international bestsellers, among others ”The Decision Book” which has sold over a million copies worldwide. 

Currently, he works as a reporter for the Swiss weekly magazine ”Das Magazin”. 

Mikael shared two interesting learnings from his years at Kaospilot. One was about self-evaluation that I started using more and more in my work. He also shared how he worked from advertising at a magazine, to editor, to staff writer and got his dream job as a journalist.

He explained how he always had various projects and jobs and what his three requirements are for success. I loved talking to Mikael and learning from his experience and insights. 

Enjoy the insights of Mikael.

Let’s get started…

Meer over Mikael Krogerus:

The books of Mikael and Roman in De Ondernemers Boekencast (Dutch)

Books by Roman and Mikael:

  • The Decision Book
  • The Question Book, 
  • The Change Book, 
  • The Test Book and 
  • The Communication Book

The new series of pocketbooks:

  • Machen
  • Erkennen
  • Reden (2017)
  • Entscheiden (2008)
  • Fragen (2009)

Authors we mentioned in this episode:

Definition of success for Mikael:

  • people pay yur for what you do,
  • It is fun to do, and
  • Self-evaluation – am I okay with what I did.

Video of conversation with Mikael Krogerus

Here you can watch the video of the conversation with Mikael Krogerus https://youtu.be/qEA3atZTXzk

Door Erno Hannink

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